This next poem was written in the style and form of a William Carlos Williams poem called the Approach of Winter with a sort of "Mad Gab" technique. Here's the original:
Approach of Winter by William Carlos Williams
The half-stripped trees
struck by a wind together,
bending all,
the leaves flutter drily
and refuse to let go
or driven like hail
stream bitterly out to one side
and fall
where the salvias, hard carmine--
like no leaf that ever was--
edge the bare garden.
And here's my rendition:
Approach of Spring 5/15/2011
The half-risen flowers
squeezed by a force beneath,
extruding green,
the stalks wiggle upward
and burst to drink light
or branch like light
split brightly by a prism
and shine
where the dew, cedar woodchips-
denying any chill that winter left-
crowd the rising blooms.