I've only written a few poems in the past couple months, and I think it shows in this abstract, non-concrete poem. They have generally been about this topic, largely inspired by last year's rhetoric class.
Let Beauty 8/22/2011
Let beauty bow to nothing but the builder,
Exquisite form to nothing but the former.
Let light bend only to the gilder,
Gilding light to make it all the warmer.
Let beauty bend not even to itself.
Let beauty not surrender to itself.
For often the abundant soon turns common,
Turning common into commonplace.
Let beauty not give way to plenty.
Let love evoke eternal eyes
To view the gentle ever gently
Like Signor Benedick, new baptized.
Let pure sight see purely,
And love behold the lovely.
Let the wonderful be seen with wonder,
And love declare the lovely.
Let beauty not give way to prevalence,
And so belie the lovely.
Let beauty not surrender to itself,
But love reveal the lovely.