Monday, June 11, 2012

Manitoba Fishing

Manitoba Fishing   6/8/2012
the lake at morning: wispy crispness
with bits of fog and boats floating
by docks filling with fishers sans fishes

into the universe the boating
scatters lakeward like july fire
popping like engines gleaming and croaking

soon the tap and plink of line and wire
on water, whoops and hoots echo boat to boat
over water ruffled over mud and mire

five feet above the bed we nod and float
beneath us silent phantoms whir and bend
that whispers of their winding in the ripples wrote

amid the mists we see ghosts like real men
winding wisps as if reeling real, lines refurled
their sound shattered by the silence and

we: a point still whirling in a stilled world
and all else seems thinning and leavening
and our driven purpose seems round us curled

But the cosmos seeps in, envisioning
the rod rocking rhythm as a breath unfurling
and the stillness, the stillness is deafening.