Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Snake is Dead!

A few weeks ago, my family and some friends went on a float trip on the Smith River. While stopping for lunch, we had an experience worthy of an allegorical poem.

The Snake is Dead! 8/12/2010
We killed the deadly rattlesnake!
The snake is dead!
With stones and wood
We crushed the serpent's fearsome head.

We stopped the boats along the bank,
And in the trees
And garden grass
We saw a sight that made us freeze.

A mighty serpent waited there.
From off the ground
We gathered stones
And on the snake we cast them down.

Trapped between a curse and death,
'Twixt fire and flood
And thirty stones
Upon the fateful Field of Blood.

Though once the king of his domain,
The serpent cowered,
No more disguised
By branches bent, fruit-filled and flowered.

My father took a mighty rod,
Though roodly hewn,
From off a tree
And on the ground so haply strewn,

It was our help in time of need.
Straight and true
He swung it down
And with it, rent the air in two.

And darkness wrapped the day in night,
But only for
The eyes of him
Who's head was crushed forevermore.

The sun shone red upon the water
Flowing by,
As if to spread
The word to every dragonfly.

The stone that held the serpent down
We rolled with dread
And saw the truth:
The snake was dead. The snake was dead!

With joy we ventured back again
To eat the feast
For which we'd hoped
Before we stayed our journey east.

On bread and meat we laughed and drank.
We ate with zeal
And love and life
As if it were a wedding meal.


  1. Hi Adam,

    Here's a good video I found on YouTube about religion, you might like to view it and see what you think.

    ”God in my life”

    I think it makes a lot of good common sense don't you?

    Chris Hill

    American youth: Young gifted and passionate about religion. ”Fiery lady”

  2. Dr. Hill,
    I have read some of your thinking on the blogs of friends and I appreciate your desire to find and convince others of the truth through critical thinking. It is a desire we share. However, considering I don't know you personally, I doubt very much that either of us will convince the other of our views; though, I will do my best to think objectively about points you may bring up that I have not already considered (in conjunction with those I have, of course).Do you think you could send me your email address so we can have a discussion via email? I'm just not sure comments on my blog are the right medium. Thanks.

  3. Hi Adam,

    Thank you for your comment, my personal blog profile contains contact information including email address and phone numbers, but as you have asked me directly for my email address it is please feel free to contact me there.

    However I should point out that; neither of those YouTube videos are my work, nor did I have any part in there production, I simply think they put the case much better than I ever could.

    Anyway can I thank you for not simply removing my comment, rest assured I do not intend to be a troll (as the blogger Blithe-hearted lady once suggested), I simply want to instigate a debate on the subject of religion and blind faith. I have also tried (and I hope succeeded) to keep my comments respectful especially when I leave them on Alana's blog. Unfortunately she now refuses to allow any of my postings through to her comment section, even when the comments are unconnected with religion.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Chris Hill
