Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sonnet 2

We have reached a poetry unit in a creative writing class I'm taking from a Petra teacher. (His blog is here.) This is a Petrarchan sonnet written for the class.

Sonnet 2 4/25/2011
No courtiers will Lady Music stand,
Extolling all her graces with their cooing.
Despite their eloquence and sonnets grand,
Her smallest string sung trill will still their wooing.
With pen and ink they'll set down scores of lines,
Seeking to describe what none has told,
Until the final suitor finally finds
His words too simple, empty, dry, and cold.
For Music carries scents like mountain flowers
Mixed with breezes in the mountain streams
That pool and rush through warm and sunny bowers.
But fickle and fierce she soon will glow and gleam
With fearsome passion sending lightning showers
Breaking cliffs and hearts to wake us from our dreams.

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