Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of School

This one required a little editing, because a few people to whom I showed it interpreted it differently than I was hoping. Hopefully it's clearer now. I've mostly been writing blank verse lately from lack of time, but I'm hoping to try some new styles soon. We'll see.

First Day of School 9/8/2010
An apple crunches at the end of the table.
Peanut butter and jelly squeeze out
from wheat bread walls
uncomfortably packed too close together.
Chatter tip-toes through the room
like some tired typist's tapping
fingers late at night.
A few old friends fill too much space,
their boisterous words
go drifting through the air
like a lone guitar in a concert hall.

Months go by...

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich
is munched and chewed.
A quiet laugh about the peanut butter
squeezing out the seams
is lofted through the air,
but no one hears.
The little chatter waltzing by
ignores the noise.

Somehow this day is not so different from the first.
Minds are still on lunch and classes yet to come.
The rarity of voices is old as ever it was
and yet...

As a few solitary voices envelop the room
and surround the feasters sitting close,
silently enjoying the familiarity of the noise,
it's not so loud that you can't hear
an apple crunch at the end of the table.

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